Midland Heating - Heating & Plumbing
Midland Heating - Heating & Plumbing
Midland Heating - Heating & Plumbing

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Midland Renewables Heating and Plumbing Ltd., have vast experience in large scale, commercial, leisure, industrial, retail and multiple occupancy residential projects across Ireland.

Bracken Park, Castleknock, Dublin 15.

Apartment Development, Castleknock, Dublin 15.

Bellingham Castle, Castlebelligham, Co. Louth.  Hotel Refurbishment

Grifols Warehouse Development, Dublin 22.

Nandos Restaurant, Tallght, Dublin 24.

Retail Development, Tommy Hilfiger, Dundrum, Dublin 16.


For more information visit Midland Renewables Heating and Plumbing's Commercial Website.